Monday, August 3, 2009

s0Ap 0pEra

EURO 80 million?
What are you doing??Fiorentino!
chasing in a whole summer
what wil u get?
Los Galactics shoudn't stay by ''Scar of warrior'' for long time
watsed time on him
Although his heart was attached by yours
some of matters and excuse by someone
it don't accept
what do you want to do?
just giving up?
they were those best members for yours
or there are another better that
why stil so persistent by it?
hope this SOAP OPERA wil be ending as fast as possible

actually nothing special for it at all
taste of my pillow as same
my drive technique as same
cuisine cooked by mum delicious as same

talked alot with u yesterday
all about our opinon and experience
i asked u seriously once again
answer is ''no''
because of my stupid excuse...isn't it?
sorry made u felt it's a lie
i should promise
no more on its again

5 months of SOAP OPERA
wil be the end soon

I hope so~~